thus read the headlines of nicaragua's daily newspapers this week, referring to the earthquake in haiti and the humanitarian crisis that has followed. our hearts and thoughts go out to all haitians, to the aid and ngo workers that are trying to get relief to those most-affected, to a country that has suffered so much from poverty, political, natural and human-made disasters over the years. (note: anyone wanting to donate to good relief efforts is encouraged to look into Partners in Health: http://act.pih.org/earthquake). interestingly, nicaraguans empathize on a deep level with this type of suffering: people here refer to the earthquake of '72 that devastated managua, and from which the capital has never really recovered. they also talk about past and present possibilities of droughts, tsunamis, floods, and the high winds that are currently sweeping most of the pacific coast, as prescient reminders of our vulnerability to natural phenomena, to climate changes, to losing everything at any time. on a lighter note, weather in managua this week has been cooler than it has in years, with night temps dipping into the 60s (F), people are complaining of the "frio" as if it were snowing and below zero!
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Angela -