Kristin in Nicaragua

fulbright conference in panamá

fulbright conference in panamá

Last week I went to Panamá for the Fulbright regional conference, where I joined about 25 other Fulbright students from all of Central America. While it was unfortunate we didn't get much free time to explore (I'd love to have more time in Panama City, which seems to be a fascinating place), we did have the opportunity to meet and learn about the projects of all other Fulbrighters from the region. In my presentation, I talked about project design, methodology, some preliminary findings, and my collaborative work with NGOs. However, what people remembered most was that I mentioned that I see a psychologist on a regular basis to talk about issues related to my research! Imagine how of everything we tell people, what they remember! In all, it was a good time, especially getting back in touch with some of the friends I met in Washington DC at our Fulbright conference last June. (Pictured is Ariana, Fulbright scholar, Panamá). I also took the opportunity to interview one of the mother migrants of the families in my study who lives and works as a doméstica in Panamá City - this was a very interesting and moving experience. Next week I'm off to Mérida México for the Society for Applied Anthropology meetings. paz y amor. 

2 comentarios

Anónimo -

i wonder if it is because they couldn't get the methodology stuff bc they were thinking about their own projects, etc. but could relate on a personal level. or sometimes fulbrighters totally don't do their work...and were into the personal aspects...

Ariana -

have a great time in Mexico!
If you ever have the opportunity, you have to see the movie Chance. I will try to get you a copy when if comes out on DVD.