in the news! 100% Noticias
Today we were working in the SJM office when a reporter for 100% Noticias (Canal 15) came to interview us about the similarities between the AZ anti-migrant law and the Costa Rica migration law (passed this year). While I resisted being interviewed, they insisted, and so I mentioned some of the similar roots of anti-migrant xenophobia in Costa Rica and the U.S., as well as the problems of undocumented migration in both countries. I also emphasized that the Nicaraguan government has known about the CR migration reform law for many months, but failed to act in a way that would protect the hundreds of thousands of undocumented migrants living in Costa Rica, who now face the difficult prospect of regularizing their documentation status without the assistance from Nicaraguan consulates in Costa Rica, or deportation/return for failing to do so. As a result, migrants have to return to Nicaragua to process their documents, involving the high economic and physical costs of an undocumented passage across the Nicaragua-Costa Rica border at one of many "puntos ciegos" (blind spots). So I might be in the news today, against my better judgement, but here we are in full swing at SJM working on the Campaign for the Defense and Protection of the Rights of Nicaraguan Migrants, and wearing t-shirts with the logo "Somos Migrantes/Somos Nicaragüenses. Demandamos Protección!"
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