i am having an incredible time getting to know the seven families i am working with so far in managua as part of my study. i focus on the role of the abuelas in each family; to "qualify" for my study, each family has either a mother or father who has emigrated (usually to Costa Rica, the U.S., or Spain), and who has left behind a child (between 6-12 years old) in the care of the grandmother. it’s way too early to draw any firm conclusions about the impacts of mother migration on families left behind, but what is clear is that there are both economic and emotional impacts that are incredibly complex, and have to do with family histories and configurations both before and after the migrant’s departure. some interviews have been quite intense, involving shared hopes, fears, and tears. i’ve been helped in identifying these families by newfound friends and colleagues, including karen, pictured here, who is a lawyer and works for the ministerio de familia, adolescencia, y niñez and has generously shared with me her time and expertise on the culture of nicaraguan family life and gender roles. (p.s. no worries, i’ve asked for permission to share all photos posted here on this blog!)
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